I haven't blogged in years - honestly, since high school. However, there are just times when I want to ramble. And rambling for me is easier in words; letting my fingers cascade over these little plastic keys. Snarky little fucking keys...Anyway.
Reason behind this? Rejection letter. Yup. My first rejection letter as I move from school to the work force - ironically enough, it was at a school that I had applied to. Did I expect to get the position? Of course note. But, it still leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I suppose that's what the whiskey is for. A cure all.
So, this causes me to have a few rather astute observations. I think these observations can be attributed to my current position of being in flux between a student and a average lower-middle class individual. I am both, granted, however I am still between the two worlds.
That being said, I have realized that college is a lot like...living a fantasy. A person goes to these far off places, and becomes consumed in the world that surrounds them there. They worry about themselves, and usually only themselves. Because of this, odd-ball issues take presidence. "Oh, students without pencils in Helsinki, lets help them!" "International semi-cultural food day, lets good something different, but not totally weird - we should Amercanize it! Yea!" "Let's travel to Chicago, or maybe Davenport, Iowa, to look at art, because we're Art Majors!"
Meanwhile, back in the real world...life goes on. For this reason, I'm almost thankful I've never dealt with the traditional college life. Yes, it'd be fun. Yes, I'd probably broaden my horizons. However, it's hard to have your head in the clouds when your feet are so deeply stuck in the mud. And let's face it - I love the mud. This mud. MY mud.
So, alas. To my rejection letter - fuckit. There are other jobs; there always are. And if not, I'll keep plugging along and when the time comes, I'll be damn sure to make it stick. I wrote something along those lines in a scholarship application in higschool. Glad to see some things never change...